With a Vase

Product information



This bouquet comes sitting in water in a glass vase concealed in a gift box. Ideal for long car journeys, graduations, or any other time you know the flowers might otherwise be left out of water. Equally just as fitting as gesture of the gift with the recipient having a vase to keep. 

Vase is made from recycled glass in a plain and simple style. Vase is worth £10, and the minimum bouquet size to fill it is worth £30. This option starts at £40 overall as a result.

To specify colours or arrangement style, please see our other three 'colour options' and make a note of your preference at checkout. 'Clean & Natural', 'Soft & Pretty' or 'Bright & Juicy'.

Bouquets pictured: 

Main image £70

Left image shows the vase included

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